On October 4, 2022, I interviewed very talented and educated, Rick Olderman on the High Vibe HEALth podcast. It was such a joy chatting with him about healing body pain and back pain from a preventative and naturally effective way, just by fixing little things we can do on a daily basis.
Rick Olderman is a sports and orthopedic physical therapist with more than 25 years’ experience that specializes in helping people with chronic pain experience a pain-free life.
Rick has written the popular Fixing You® series of books -- found on Amazon.com -- to help people with chronic pain or injuries. More recently, Rick has created downloadable video home programs to help people solve pain from head to toe. These programs include his pioneering approach that has helped solve hundreds of cases of chronic pain at his clinic for the last 10 years. Rick has a new book, Solving the Pain Puzzle, coming out in 2023 and has posted a few chapters from that book on his website, www.rickolderman.com, where people can also pre-order his book and find his home programs as well as other free stuff. Rick is one of the top professionals in the U.S. when it comes to understanding recurring injuries and chronic musculoskeletal pain. He wants to enhance quality of life by helping people fix their pain once and for all. Rick's home website: https://rickolderman.com Fixing You® series of books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=rick+olderman+books Fixing You® Method At Home Course: http://www.fixingyoumethod.com/ Listeners get 20% off their orders with code: FIXING YOU Fixing You® Method for Health Professionals: https://www.healpatientsfaster.com Use the code FIXING YOU to get 20% off Talk About Pain Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/fi/podcast/talk-about-pain/id1593262436
Tune into the podcast episode in the High Vibe HEALth podcast page on this website.
Soon there will be a YouTube visual episode available and I can't wait to share it!
If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask!
Hope you all have an amazing and high vibe day, wherever you are.
